Your Higher Education Student Loan Authority
Founded in 1978 as a non-profit organization, we have dedicated our time and effort to ensure students and families across Texas have access to achieve a higher education.

Who We Are
NTHEA was created in 1978 as a non-profit organization to ensure access to higher education for Texas students and families through the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) by providing liquidity to Texas lenders participating in FFELP as well as low-cost loan servicing.
In-House Servicer
Our sister organization, Higher Education Servicing Corporation (HESC), acts as the in-house administrative arm for NTHEA’s loan programs and provides life-of-loan servicing for over $800 million in federal and private student loans.
Shaping our future
Although our role has changed due to the elimination of the FFEL Program, we remain committed to our borrowers and to supporting students in their goal of attaining a higher education by providing superior life-of-loan servicing and exceptional educational outreach programs and services.